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6 Best Practices for Securing Office Space

More and more professional services firms are focusing on the needs of their employees rather than on what executives want when it come to the workplace. This is a useful strategy for attracting and retaining top talent, and it's changing the way that those firms...

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10 Reasons to Invest In U.S. Commercial Real Estate

Global real estate investment is becoming more and more prominent on the commercial real estate radar, with a number of factors contributing to growth. The U.S. market is attractive to foreign investors for many reasons, despite obstacles posed in some cases by...

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5 CRE Trends That Will Stick Around in 2016

The last few years have been good to commercial real estate, and steady upward trends in several areas are expected to continue for 2016. Here are 5 conditions that we expect to see more of in the coming year. #1: Appetite for Risk Secondary markets in particular have...

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