Pathfinders Since 1906
has been at our core since 1906 when Colbert Coldwell wanted to do right by his clients by bringing honesty and transparency to the real estate transaction. He created a “brokers only” standard that paved the way for establishing their business and paved a road to success that would outlast all others. Now 114 years later, his name and the Coldwell Banker Commercial® brand are still standing and continue to grow. Our mission is to outline a path for brokers who set up businesses across the globe and enable commercial real estate professionals to continue what Coldwell started in 1906. This path allows our affiliated professionals to guide clients to achieve outstanding outcomes.
Ranked as one of the Top 20 firms in the U.S. for sales transaction market share in 2020 by REAL Capital Analytics, Inc.
Ranked third in number of CCIM designees.
One of the Lipsey Company’s “Top 25 Commercial Real Estate Brands.”


Coldwell Banker Commercial (CBC) offers owner/brokers a platform of value. They provide commercial real estate professionals with the right tools to win business and to service clients. CBC also maintains vendor relationships that accelerate the success of our network. CBC offers a suite of self-service tools for their professionals to create and distribute CBC-branded property marketing materials to internal and external prospects. Our mission is to be pathfinders and these tools can help you lead the way.
About Our Property Marketing Tools
Self-service marketing platform with customizable CBC-branded templates for property marketing and business development.
Internal communication tool to connect with and to broadcast updates to CBC peers.
External communication tool to send CBC-branded email broadcasts to prospects and clients.
Integrated property marketing partner. Discount for CBC users.
Integrated property marketing partner. Discount for CBC users.
Where social media assets, virtual assets (photos, videos, logos), and guidelines are posted for agent and employee access.
CBCWORLDWIDE.COM provides global exposure for individual brokers and listed properties. The exposure made possible by the CBC brand allows the marketed properties to be instantly credible. CBCWORLDWIDE.COM also provides commercial real estate-related blog articles for our professionals to share with their social networks to increase their individual brand identity and help generate leads. This kind of exposure, not available from an unbranded or non-optimized site, is priceless.
Properties listed on CBCWORLDWIDE.COM through our Dash system are automatically syndicated to a variety of third-party property marketing sites to maximize listing exposure.

CBC provides a suite of business analytics tools to assist clients with analysis or site selection. The suite also offers access to subscription database services to research prospects or property.
About Our Business Analytics Tools
Provides CRE market insights, investment trends, property performance and comps. Eight sectors, all U.S. Markets.
D&B Hoovers
Research tool that provides competitive landscapes, corporate structure, company profile and financials, and trigger news.
Data service offering access to property owner debt and contact information, company executives, and all operating locations.
Self-service demographic data (traffic, population, mile rings, drive times), VOID Analysis, Surplus/Gap reports, and Heatmaps for commercial users.
Powerful mapping and demographics tool that can create Smart Maps and run analysis to find voids, retail gaps, market potential, target customers, and the right growth sites.
Retail Lease Trac
Lead generation tool to find tenants who may watch your vacant space, discover growing brands and markets. Covers all U.S. markets.
Mobile data insights and analytics tool to better understand consumer behaviors.
CBC is unique in the industry, offering a commercial-only learning platform for new and seasoned brokerage professionals. Commercial University provides world-class development opportunities in a cost-effective manner to help professionals achieve success in their commercial brokerage business and gain a competitive advantage in their market.
About Our Training
CRE Accelerate
Introductory self-paced productivity training for new commercial professionals in the business 12 months or less.
CRE Win!
Advanced eight-week virtual instructor-led productivity training for commercial professionals in the business 36 months or less. Two-three cohorts offered per year.
LinkedIn Learning
Full access to LinkedIn Learning library for brokerage professionals and staff to enhance their professional skills.
CBC Mentoring
Unique to CBC, our Commercial University offers a platform to connect with peers in mentor-mentee relationships across the network.
Welcome to CBC
Self-paced orientation program to learn about the history of CBC, our core values, and jump-start strategies to increase success in CRE. The tools, strategies, and activities are best practices proven effective by elite professionals.
Lipsey Learning
The complete library of CRE industry training expert, Mike Lipsey.
CBC partners with the CCIM Institute to offer discounted learning opportunities and membership.
Commercial University App
The Commercial University app helps increase productivity, allows for more just-in-time coaching conversations, and provides access to sales activity tracking and educational opportunities on your mobile device and tablet.
CBC Desk is the CBC intranet and productivity hub providing easy access to brand updates and announcements, tools, marketing resources, event information, and much more. It is also a portal for entering your bio information and listings.
Property Syndication
Advanced eight-week virtual instructor-led productivity training for commercial professionals in the business 36 months or less. Two-three cohorts offered per year.
CBC events provide networking, learning, and growth opportunities with hundreds of your peers. Events include regional synergy events and annual learning and networking summits.
Global Conference
The Global Conference (GC) is the CBC organization’s premier global event featuring world-class educational sessions and networking opportunities.
National Leads and Referrals
Web- and CBC-generated leads for distribution and a program for placement of incoming and outgoing referrals from around the country.
Press Releases
Celebrate your success with press releases on notable deals or unique transactions. Templates are available on Desk.
Social Media
CBC maintains active accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. The monthly social media calendar provides content for you to post on your accounts. Templates are available on BrandSrv for you to promote your commercial real estate expertise, new listings, and completed transactions.
Thought Leadership
The CBC thought leadership blog serves as a hub for affiliates to discover new ideas about industry trends. Articles can then be repurposed with your thoughts through your own social channels and local media outlets.
CBC Chatter
A virtual quarterly series where the brand’s leadership offers real insight and information about the hottest topics in commercial real estate.
CBE with CBC Worldwide Podcast
Listen and learn from the Coldwell Banker Commercial® brand on this commercial real estate-focused podcast. We bring together experts to discuss important topics for our CRE clients and the industry
Coupled with strong brand recognition and legacy, bountiful network referral opportunities, and unparalleled support, the Coldwell Banker Commercial brand can take your business to new heights.