by Colby Goetz | May 16, 2017 | Transaction
Brian Cunningham with Coldwell Banker Commercial Elite recently closed on the sale of a 16,248 sq. ft., NNN Leased Retail Center in Stafford County, Virginia for $4.4 Million. The property, located at 70 Doc Stone Rd, is on a outparcel within Doc Stone Commons, a...
by Colby Goetz | May 4, 2016 | CRE Tips and Tricks
More and more professional services firms are focusing on the needs of their employees rather than on what executives want when it come to the workplace. This is a useful strategy for attracting and retaining top talent, and it’s changing the way that those...
by Colby Goetz | Apr 22, 2016 | Transaction, Uncategorized
Fredericksburg, VA (04-21-2016) – Joe Pfahler with Coldwell Banker Commercial Elite recently executed a lease transaction for the former Crave Frozen Yogurt space in Central Park. Paisano’s Pizza signed a lease for the 3,000 SF space located at 1500 Central Park...
by Colby Goetz | Feb 20, 2015 | CRE Trends
While modern technology continues to infiltrate the lives of U.S. citizens, it’s only natural to wonder what impact this is having on our consumer culture. To lend a better understanding of the effect technology is having on consumer behavior, Coldwell Banker...
by Colby Goetz | Nov 11, 2014 | News
In honor of Veterans Day, CBC would like to thank those who have bravely served our nation and defended its freedom, as well as those who continue to serve with great pride today as members of the Armed Forces. Over the years, millions of men and women have made huge...